Pioneer’s Process
The word ‘Pioneer’ is so significant for the times in which we are living in. We have seen God give language for a number of years now about the rise of mighty kingdom pioneers. They are coming out of the wilderness, out of church pews, out of buildings and beginning to take territory. We believe that we will continue to see pioneers occupy the harvest fields!
A pioneer is a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or new area. Someone who begins something new, a person who creates or develops new ideas, methods, one of the first settlers in new territory.
A kingdom pioneer then, is a person who is prepared, raised up and sent out to take territory for the Kingdom of God. We believe that every kingdom pioneer is called into a process. This process prepares them from the inside out, to be able to carry the kingdom blueprint God has for them.
As we have pioneered the academy with God, we have seen this become more and more evident in the lives of our students. This is the love that He has for us, that He would not send us out unprepared. All are called but few are chosen. We have seen many either run ahead or run away from the call of God to pioneer for many reasons. Some don’t see themselves as pioneers, others aren’t quite sure if what they are called to is even real. Many don’t feel equipped and are pioneering alone. Others simply have been waiting for a community of pioneers and language to explain what is burning in their hearts.
We believe that as many pioneers begin to come into their preparation process, we will see many equipped for their call.
This preparation process is a tearing down of old foundations and a rebuilding of a new and strong foundation - a foundation that is built on the rock of Christ. This process is seeing old mindsets broken down and a renewed mind set in place. This process is seeing unhealed hearts restored back to wholeness. This process is a redemption of our divine design and a true understanding of what it means to be called by God. This process is an undoing of worldly wisdom and ways, to see kingdom wisdom and strategies established. This process is realigning pioneers back to the Father’s heart so they can take territory as sons and not orphans.
This preparation process is for the true kingdom pioneers!
There is a call to consecration and deep surrender. There is an invitation to lay it all down before God will ever have us pick up the call. There is a work that He is prepared to do on the inside of us that will strip us and refine us.
Are we willing to pay that cost?
Are we willing to allow the Lord to do such a deep excavation in us so that when we stand in those harvest fields, we will stand unshakeable?
Are we willing to allow Him to not only strengthen us in what we have been called to pioneer; but in who we are and whose we are!
This is what we believe the pioneer’s process is all about.
We believe that God has called us as an academy to be a part of the kingdom pioneer’s preparation process! Whether students choose to complete Year 1 or they decide to complete all 3 years in the academy, they will walk out different phases of the preparation process.
Are you ready to say yes to your pioneering process?